The Horse Rescuer Series
Horse lovers Piper and Addie have their hearts in the right place, trying to take care of the horses that they find in need of help. But circumstances always get complicated and the people they must deal with often seem to be on the wrong side of the law.
These are books for horse lovers aged 10 - 15.
The Series:
The Penny Pony • Nickel-Bred • Turn on a Dime • The Quarter Horse • Half A Buck • Dollars to Doughnuts • The Horse Rescuers

Dollars to Doughnuts
Book Six in The Horse Rescuer Series
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Piper finally has her driver’s license, but life gets very messy after she and her dad rescue a horse from a turned-over trailer. Little do they know that rescue will trigger a series of increasingly dangerous events, putting her, her family and her friends at risk. She needs to get her Junior Project going—a Pony Pals class for little kids—and ace it. Complications include nightmares, a boyfriend away at college, the upcoming Halloween Hop, and the cute guy in Science Class. (Released April, 2020)

Half a Buck
Book Five in The Horse Rescuer Series
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Piper wants to take riding lessons and compete in horse shows. Her horse goes lame and her riding teacher might be a criminal. When danger threatens, she must call on the Horse Rescuers to help her solve the problem. And the river keeps rising! (Released May 1, 2018)

The Quarter Horse
Book Four in The Horse Rescuer Series
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Fifteen-year old Piper agrees to help her friend Jeff sell his horses to pay for college, hoping he will then appreciate her more. But a gorgeous new girl, Jackie, comes to town who threatens to attract Jeff’s attention. Piper doesn’t know how to deal with beautiful Jackie and then she finds out that Jeff’s Quarter Horse, Daisy, is prone to colic, a deadly threat in horses. All the responsibility for Daisy is on Piper’s shoulders, but can she find a good owner for Daisy while keeping her healthy? And will Jeff fall for Jackie, forgetting about Piper? Daisy’s life is at stake as the Horse Rescuers must act quickly. (Released May 1, 2015)

The Horse Rescuers, Volume 1
Includes the first three books in The Horse Rescuer Series: The Penny Pony, Nickel-Bred and Turn on a Dime.
If you like the stories in The Horse Rescuers series you will love having them all three in one cover, for yourself, or to give as a gift. (Released May 2014)

Turn on a Dime
Book Third in The Horse Rescuer Series
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Piper and Addie are going to start their sophomore year in senior high school, when their friend, Miss Julie, rents rooms to Cassie and her stepson, Jeff. Cassie’s mare is going to foal soon and Piper has the responsibility of checking on her daily. Piper and Addie disagree about boys, a situation which worsens because of Piper’s initial dislike of Jeff. As she gets to know and accept him, when he is accused of theft, she and Addie both defend him to all adults. What will happen when Cassie steals, then vanishes, as her mare goes into labor with no one but the girls and Jeff to help? (Released May 1, 2014)

Book Second in The Horse Rescuer Series
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Piper and Addie are looking for another horse, so that they can ride together. They find the perfect horse in Nickel, but then discover that his owner is part of a gang of criminals and that the horse himself is in danger of being sold to a slaughterhouse for dogmeat. Piper’s parents do not want her to have anything to do with the lowlife owner, but Piper and Addie are determined to save Nickel. Piper incurs the hatred of one of the gang’s members, and the girls must not only save Nickel, but also save their friends and family from the vicious clutches of the criminals. (Released October 19, 2013)

The Penny Pony
Book First in The Horse Rescuer Series
E-book • Amazon Kindle • Smashwords • Nook • Apple • Kobo •
Piper Jones has always loved horses, but how could she know what would happen when she and her best friend, Addie, tried to help a neglected pony? When all the adults in her life can’t or won’t help, Piper and Addie take matters into their own hands. They must find a safe haven for the pony and protect it from its cruel owner. A little old lady from Piper’s past steps up to help and a suspected liar proves he’s not a bad guy at all. But as the girls try to solve a mystery involving the suspicious owner, will they be forced into crime themselves in order to save their new-found pony friend? (Released August 5, 2013)